How Collaborative Commerce Enterprises help the 38+ Million “Big Quitters”?
The Great Resignation, the Big Quit… Whatever you want to call it Global workers have had enough!
Corporations can’t seem to figure out why workers are tired of being exploited! Employee dissatisfaction and turnover ratios are at all-time highs. Corporate employees are trading in their W-2 status for the flexibility of being a 1099 independent contractor and discovering a whole new world of work-life balance with improved compensation. Take for example hospital nurses choosing to resign and become traveling nurses with a 50% to 100% hourly compensation raise for the same job they just quit.
Producers with in-demand skills, specialized knowledge, unique talents, and niche experience are now in the position to negotiate for better everything! Creating a new producer class of location independent skilled freelancer known as “Solopreneurs”.
Solopreneurs are realizing that they don’t have to settle for daily commutes to the office and the uncertainty of corporate decision making. These former employees are taking back the power over their careers and choosing to invest in themselves. These performance based relationships allow the producer to focus on doing what they do BEST and avoiding all the other employer/employee challenges. They just have to perform as agreed to the contract terms.
What makes C3 Alliance different is we use a tokenized capital/patronage system to effectively and efficiently administer collaborative commerce enterprise smart contracts on our CapX (Capital Exchange)marketplace. The CapX marketplace facilitates the transactions of all types of token swapping. Everything from employment contracts using an UpWork model [WORK], Co-Live/Work hospitality [ROOM] at our Ranches/Resorts all around the world, AirBnB model, and product/services [WANT] using an Amazon E-commerce model. ***If it is in [TOKEN] brackets it is tokenized capital***
Solopreneurs are leading the way to a major global power dynamic switch from mystery boardroom led corporations controlling the work arrangements to the producer/creators! Producers are the people who actually provide the labor, intellectual property, and social networks that create the products & services Corporations put a mark up on and resell!
This is where the economists chime in and say what about the other capital inputs of financial investment capital (fiat), manufactured goods (equipment), and natural resources (land, real estate)? Employees need corporations to provide these inputs or there is no end product/services to deliver for sale. Before C3 Alliance the world’s 1st Web 3.0 Cooperative, there WAS some truth to this comment. However, imagine an alternate economic DeFi system where Promoters (Investors) stake financial capital to fund producer/creator project smart contracts from the CapX marketplace and share in the risks and rewards. This is what [C2E] collaborative commerce enterprises are all about!
Cooperative member Promoters can invest in member Producers, and member Purchasers are able to satisfy their needs & wants [WANT] via the marketplace. Now we no longer need investor shareholders or the nefarious professional board members making decisions that destroy people and the planet. We have a very straight forward smart contract based system administered by our member owned cooperative capital communities. Members serving members and owning everything together!
Can we stop and talk about the elephant in the room?
The current employer-employee model is 100% broken and only facilitates human exploitation? We need a better way!
[C2E] Collaborative Commerce Enterprises are the solution!
It is the position of C3 Alliance that Multi-National Crony-Capitalist Corporations are the single greatest threat to humanity.
Thus they are PUBLIC ENEMY #1!
The professional boards of these shareholder entities operate across international jurisdictions to avoid virtually every form of accountability. The only measurement that matters to these entities is this quarter's profits per share!!! Resulting in literal slavery in worldwide sweatshops. Workers with no hope of being able to escape poverty. These companies blatantly abuse international tax laws to get away with paying ZERO taxes in the majority of jurisdictions they operate in!
To make matters worse employees are the MOST TAXED participant in this entire scheme. Employee taxes are at a minimum oppressive and more accurately a regressive slave relationship to the Government jurisdictions. For example, a skilled employee earning over $100k/yr in California can expect to hand over 60–70%+ of his/her income to the various tax jurisdictions at all levels. Yet the Multinational corporate employer will pay ZERO taxes or just pass the tax bill through to the customers. This model is unsustainable!!!
[C2E] Collaborative Commerce Enterprises to the rescue!
To help illuminate this concept let’s explore this scenario…
Imagine Bob the coder is a skilled member producer and his area of expertise is Javascript coding. He needs to generate income from his skills. He goes to the CapX marketplace and discovers that a C3 Alliance community is sponsoring a [C2E] collaborative commerce enterprise project with an employment contract that matches his skills. So he stakes his [PST] unique member persona token (NFT Domain member identity) to the project and enters into a smart contract to perform according the terms/milestones. The enterprise is funded by members who staked capital to the project so Bob is guaranteed payment. Bob performs as agreed and receives compensation to his member Vault ( wallet). The project risks & rewards are shared by producer/purchaser/promoter roles based on the smart contract terms. If there are any disputes to be resolved that is why the member owned C3 Alliance communities handle the administration.
So you see in this scenario C3 Alliance has delivered on the promise of providing an alternate economic system replacing the need for the corporate employee relationship. Plus, the economic activity is measured as and earns patronage for all member roles. For example, this producer can choose to participate as a purchaser on another CapX marketplace contract and earn purchaser patronage. The purchaser role patronage (expense/outflow) offsets the producer role patronage (income/inflow) creating a potential tax-free location independent, Solopreneur lifestyle.
And this is how we end global poverty and human exploitation!!!
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